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Common Mistakes People Make After a DUI Arrest


If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), it is important to be fully aware of your rights and avoid making mistakes that could worsen the penalties you face. In Georgia, you already face a license suspension of up to a year, several hundred dollars in fines and, depending on the circumstances, possible imprisonment of up to a year. And that’s just for a first offense.

Any arrest can make it difficult to think clearly. These are several of the most common mistakes people make after being arrested for DUI:

  • Failing to consult with an attorney: Do not trust legal advice you get from friends, family or police officers. If your goal is to minimize the consequences you face for a DUI or even to have the charges dropped, you need the assistance of a skilled defense attorney with experience in representing clients charged with driving under the influence.
  • Assuming you cannot “win” your case: If you took a chemical test in which your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) measured above the legal limit of .08 percent, it does not mean you have no options. Many cases are dismissed or reduced despite high BAC tests, for various reasons. Depending on the circumstances, your attorney might be able to argue that there were improper testing methods, improper blood storage, lack of probable cause to make a stop, loss of evidence or improper practices on the part of law enforcement.
  • Talking too much: You cannot talk your way out of DUI charges — so don’t even try. Even if your case did not result in an accident, you have no chance of convincing the prosecution or the court to drop your charges. Plus, attempting to talk to the police or to a prosecutor without the assistance of an attorney could incriminate you.
  • Failing to request a DDS hearing: You have a limited amount of time after your arrest to apply for a hearing with the Georgia Department of Driver Services. A failure to do so will result in an automatic license suspension. Many people assume it is hopeless to appeal their case to the DDS, but you may be able to keep your license with a successful hearing under the guidance of a DUI defense lawyer.

To learn more about the next steps to take after a DUI arrest, speak with an experienced Georgia criminal defense attorney at the Law Offices of Melvin S. Nash. Call the firm at 770.422.0878 or  contact us online.


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